20 May 2014
Orrington, Maine
Harvestmen, or daddy-longlegs, of the order Opiliones, are in the class Arachnida with spiders but are not true spiders. Unlike true spiders, harvestmen have one body part and only one pair of prominent eyes. They lack venom and spinnerets as well. For protection harvestmen emit an odor from special stink glands that makes them distasteful.
Photo by Donne Sinderson
Orrington, Maine
Harvestmen, or daddy-longlegs, of the order Opiliones, are in the class Arachnida with spiders but are not true spiders. Unlike true spiders, harvestmen have one body part and only one pair of prominent eyes. They lack venom and spinnerets as well. For protection harvestmen emit an odor from special stink glands that makes them distasteful.
Photo by Donne Sinderson