17 June 2015
Curled Dock
Rumex crispus
Central Penjajawoc Preserve
Bangor, Maine
The flowers of Curled Dock aren't very pretty but the leaves and fruit have a simple beauty if you take the time to really see them. The leaves are long, lance-shaped and have curled margins (right photo). The fruit (pictured below, 1 September 2016) has heart-shaped wings to carry the seed by wind. Photos by Donne Sinderson
Curled Dock
Rumex crispus
Central Penjajawoc Preserve
Bangor, Maine
The flowers of Curled Dock aren't very pretty but the leaves and fruit have a simple beauty if you take the time to really see them. The leaves are long, lance-shaped and have curled margins (right photo). The fruit (pictured below, 1 September 2016) has heart-shaped wings to carry the seed by wind. Photos by Donne Sinderson