3 February 2017
Common Greenshield
Flavoparmelia caperata (L.) Hale
Orrington, Maine
This foliose lichen can be be identified from a distance. Have you ever noticed a yellow-green patch on trees that looks like a circle on the bark of trees? The patches get so large that they can easily be seen while you're driving down the road. The center patch in the first photo (to the left) is roughly 5" x 7". There are other lichens and mosses in the photo as well.
The thallus (or lichen body) is flat and grows close to the surface of the tree bark (see photo below to the left). The reproductive structures of this particular lichen are granular soredia (bottom photo, right).
photos by Donne Sinderson
Common Greenshield
Flavoparmelia caperata (L.) Hale
Orrington, Maine
This foliose lichen can be be identified from a distance. Have you ever noticed a yellow-green patch on trees that looks like a circle on the bark of trees? The patches get so large that they can easily be seen while you're driving down the road. The center patch in the first photo (to the left) is roughly 5" x 7". There are other lichens and mosses in the photo as well.
The thallus (or lichen body) is flat and grows close to the surface of the tree bark (see photo below to the left). The reproductive structures of this particular lichen are granular soredia (bottom photo, right).
photos by Donne Sinderson